This collection of documents, photographs and journals aims to provide a full history of the work of the former Strand Electric / Rank Strand / Strand Lighting, which is now part of Philips Lighting group, rebranded in 2019 as Signify.
Please let us know if you have additional information or materials to add to the archive.
More material is being located and added to the collection weekly.
Chronology of Strand Electric / Rank Strand / Strand Lighting (produced from Marketing material, so may not be 100% accurate - please let us know of inaccuracies!)
Publications and News
Copies of Tabs, Lights, Strandlight and Strand News are available to view in the Publications section.
See also Karl Hessenbruch entry for information and brochures from this German partnership with Strand Electric.
Archive Contents:
- All Strand Products on Archive
- Architectural Control & Dimming
- Architectural Luminaires
- Colour Changers
- Colour Filters
- Company History
- Connectors
- Control - Direct
- Control - Manual
- Control - Memory
- Control Software
- Dimming and Multiplex
- Drafting Tools
- Effects
- Factsheets and Articles of Interest
- Film/TV Lighting
- Followspots
- Installation
- LX Rigging and Stands
- Lanterns (Named)
- Lanterns (Patt. Numbered)
- Moving Lights
- Projection
- Sound - Amplifiers
- Sound - Playback
- Sound - Sources
- Stage Mangement, Props, Model Theatre
Exhibits in the Backstage Heritage Collection
Price Lists and Catalogues
See individual product pages for data sheets, instructions etc.
Factsheet 02: The Use of Earth Leakage Circuit Breakers with Lighting Controls (July 1991)
[159kb PDF]
From Strand Archive
Factsheet 04: Equipment Protection (November 1991)
Use of Fuses and Circuit Breakers
[109kb PDF]
From Strand Archive
Factsheet 05: Guide to Installation and Dimming of Low Voltage Lighting (April 1992)
[298kb PDF]
From Strand Archive
In Memoriam - Fred Bentham (June 2001)
History of Strand and obituary of Fred Bentham by Richard Pilbrow
[External Website]
From Strand Archive
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