Tempus M24 (1983 - 1993)
Tempus M24
First batch-manufactured memory control, 72-120 channels.
Single numerical keyboard, @ button, THRU button, digital fader wheel, manual/timed cross fades with auto sequence. Display by add-on mono TV or optional VDU. Backup of show data to add-on audio cassette using domestic standard cassette recorder. Multiplexed output.
Launched in April 1983.
More than 1000 sold.
Replaced by the GSX in 1993.
Microprocessor: 68B09 performing fade calculations and main processing (running at 2MHz) and a 6803 handling panel controls and display. Program is contained in 24kb of EPROM and all data in 16kb of battery-maintained CMOS RAM
Related Venues:
See also:
Photo: Tempus M24 Publicity Photo
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[956kb JPEG]
From Frederick Brown Collection
Photo: Tempus M24 System at the factory
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[271kb JPEG]
From Frederick Brown Collection
Photo: Tempus M24 System at the factory
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[287kb JPEG]
From Frederick Brown Collection
M24 Effects Power Supply Board (February 1983)
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[895kb JPEG]
From Strand Archive
LSI Automated TV Studio Installation in Hannover (May 1988)
[3.19Mb PDF]
From Lighting & Sound International
Exhibits in the Backstage Heritage Collection
Catalogue & Journal Entries for Tempus M24 in the Backstage Heritage Collection
Back to Control - Memory (Strand)