> Backstage Heritage Collection > Equipment > Electronic Control for Thyratron

Electronic Control for Thyratron  (1949 - 1956)

Also known as the 'Woods Electronic' after it's inventor.

The board of Strand Electric decided on 5th January 1954 to make no further sales of the Electronic and associated dimmers, due to the technical problems and hidden costs caused by the need for isolation transformers to reduce electrical losses. (from research by David Bertenshaw)
There were just over 30 installations in total, in 6 years of existence. 

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See also:


Electronic Control for Thyratron dimmers
Electronic Control for Thyratron dimmers 
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[43kb  JPEG]
From Strand Archive
Photo: Thyratron Dimmer Rack
Photo: Thyratron Dimmer Rack 
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[45kb  JPEG]
From Strand Archive
Electronic Control at the National Theatre, Reykjavik, Iceland
Electronic Control at the National Theatre, Reykjavik, Iceland (December 1949)
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[61kb  JPEG]
From Strand Archive

Festival of Britain - Stratford Season Opens (March 1951)
[External Website]
From BBC Rewind

Strand Electric quote for Grand Master vs Electronic at St Martins (February 1952)
[1.2Mb PDF]
From David Bertenshaw Collection

1953 Theatrical Lighting - Control (1953)
8 page brochure 'Electronic' 
From Bob Anderson Collection
C30 Strand Electronic desk at Shakespeare Memorial Theatre
C30 Strand Electronic desk at Shakespeare Memorial Theatre (1958)
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[2.76Mb  JPEG]
From Strand Slide Archive
Give Me Some Light - Shakespeare Memorial Theatre
Give Me Some Light - Shakespeare Memorial Theatre (March 1958)
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[145kb  JPEG]

Riverside Thyratron Electronic Control (May 1958)
[3.03Mb PDF]
From Bob Anderson Collection

LSI - Classic Gear - Electronic (May 2018)
[613kb PDF]
From Lighting & Sound International

Exhibits in the Backstage Heritage Collection

Electronic Control Desk  
From Jim Laws Collection

Catalogue & Journal Entries for Electronic Control for Thyratron in the Backstage Heritage Collection

The Old Vic (1950)

Lighting Control II (1956)

A Tale of Three Switchboards (1972)

NEW at the ALBERY Theatre (1977)

Back to Control - Manual (Strand)