> Backstage Heritage Collection > Equipment > Thyratron

Thyratron  (1952 - 1966)

Valve Dimming

First system was installed at the National Theatre, Reykjavik in 1949.

Also known as the 'Woods Electronic' after it's inventor.

See Electronic Control For Thyratron for more details of installations. 

Related Venues:

Related People:

See also:


Electronic Control for Thyratron dimmers
Electronic Control for Thyratron dimmers 
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[43kb  JPEG]
From Strand Archive
Photo: Thyratron Dimmer Rack
Photo: Thyratron Dimmer Rack 
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[45kb  JPEG]
From Strand Archive
Thyratron Racks at Reykjavik (courtesy Kevin Theobald)
Thyratron Racks at Reykjavik (courtesy Kevin Theobald) (1950)
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[62kb  JPEG]

1953 Theatrical Lighting - Control (1953)
8 page brochure 'Electronic' 
From Bob Anderson Collection

1953 Theatrical Lighting - Control (1953)
From Bob Anderson Collection

Thyratron Control Report - Riverside 2 (January 1957)
[18.1Mb PDF]
From Bob Anderson Collection

Exhibits in the Backstage Heritage Collection

Thyratron Dimmer Rack  
From Jim Laws Collection

Catalogue & Journal Entries for Thyratron in the Backstage Heritage Collection

The Old Vic (1950)

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