> Backstage Heritage Collection > Equipment > 100 Series Manual Control Desk

100 Series Manual Control Desk  (2002 - 2010)

100 Series Desk (from Strand website)

See also:


100 Series Control Console CAD File (DWG) 
[380kb ]
From Strand Archive

100 Series Control Console Manual (English) 
[498kb PDF]
From Strand Archive

100 Series Control Console Specification 
[59kb PDF]
From Strand Archive

100 Series Control Console Manual (Francais) (November 2002)
[445kb PDF]
From Strand Archive

100 Series Control Console Manual (Deutsch) (2003)
[5.9Mb PDF]
From Strand Archive

100 Series Control Console Datasheet (2006)
[198kb PDF]
From Strand Archive

100 Series Control Console Datasheet (2008)
[271kb PDF]
From Strand Archive

Catalogue & Journal Entries for 100 Series Manual Control Desk in the Backstage Heritage Collection

New 100 & 200 Series Consoles (2002)

Back to Control - Manual (Strand)