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Jim Laws Collection


AC1000 Cyc Floods Brochure 
[1.64Mb PDF]
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ADB / CCT Memolight 
[609kb PDF]
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Arri Compact Daylight Spots 
[376kb PDF]
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Arri Electronic Ballasts 
[811kb PDF]
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Arri FX Datasheet 
[541kb PDF]
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Arri Imagine brochure 
[2.43Mb PDF]
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Arri Portable Dimmers 
[230kb PDF]
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Arri Reflexion 
[376kb PDF]
[More about this]

ArriSun Datasheet 
[359kb PDF]
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Avab 201 Leaflet 
[1.41Mb PDF]
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Channel Master 3 Preset brochure 
[3Mb PDF]
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Colorsette 4 and 6 leaflet 
[1.09Mb PDF]
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Command 2 Datasheet 
[930kb PDF]
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Compact Datasheet 
[8.38Mb PDF]
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D1T2 Brochure 
[919kb PDF]
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Demux 48 and Betapatch leaflet 
[2.86Mb PDF]
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Dimmers and Lighting Control Systems 
[1.8Mb PDF]
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Eddiscope Leaflet 
[759kb PDF]
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Environ Fluorescent Dimming 
[836kb PDF]
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Film & TV Lighting Products 
[2.79Mb PDF]
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Flatapak and Linkit Brochure 
[1.18Mb PDF]
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Fursine Leaflet 
[231kb PDF]
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Helios Range Brochure 
[ PDF]
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Helios Range brochure 
[2.53Mb PDF]
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IDM Draft Operating Instructions 
[2.04Mb PDF]
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Imagine 2 brochure 
[979kb PDF]
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Jands ESP 24-36 
[2.87Mb PDF]
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Lamp Tramp Leaflet
Lamp Tramp Leaflet
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[1.21Mb JPEG]
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Light Console Instructions 
[25.5Mb PDF]
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Lightboard - Light Control in the Fourth Dimension 
[2.9Mb PDF]
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Lighting Control Brochure 
[3.14Mb PDF]
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[281kb PDF]
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Minuette - The Balanced Lighting System 
[2.1Mb PDF]
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Minuette Follow Spot datasheet 
[994kb PDF]
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Minuette Range Brochure 
[3.42Mb PDF]
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PALS Brochure 
[996kb PDF]
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Precept 12-24 Leaflet 
[897kb PDF]
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Precept 36 Leaflet 
[794kb PDF]
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Pro-Ject Brochure 
[1Mb PDF]
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Regal II + 4 brochure 
[1.96Mb PDF]
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Rockette Leaflet 
[1.21Mb PDF]
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Rockette Wiring Information 
[448kb PDF]
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Silhouette 1000 and 2000 Datasheet 
[1.99Mb PDF]
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Silhouette 2000 Range 
[2.43Mb PDF]
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SmartPack brochure 
[442kb PDF]
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SmartRack brochure 
[2.21Mb PDF]
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Stage Lighting Brochure 
[3.2Mb PDF]
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Starlette flyer 
[1.25Mb PDF]
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Stelmar Brochure (undated) 
[1.84Mb PDF]
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Strand Baby Spots (Patt.23 & Patt.123) 
[4.1Mb PDF]
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System CD TH II Instructions 
[4Mb PDF]
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TBA65 Brochure 
[6.14Mb PDF]
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Turbo Silhouette and Silhouette range 
[3.58Mb PDF]
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Versa Dim Master data sheet
Versa Dim Master data sheet
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[400kb JPEG]
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AEG Stage Lighting Catalogue  (1956)

with kind permission of AEG. 
Thanks to David Bertenshaw for scanning.
[17.29Mb PDF]

Incandescent Lighting Price List  (December 1956)
[507kb PDF]

LC Layout - ABC Great Yarmouth  (February 1964)
[712kb PDF]
[More about this]
[Venue Info]

IDM Draft Instructions  (1965)
[3.54Mb PDF]
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The Design of Drama Spaces in Secondary Schools  (1966)
[13.5Mb PDF]
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Minispot Range Brochure  (May 1967)
[750kb PDF]
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IDM/R Mk2 Equipment Specification  (1969)
[3.3Mb PDF]
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EMS VCS3 Brochure  (November 1969)
[660kb PDF]
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Mini T Leaflet  (March 1970)
[1.2Mb PDF]
[More about this]

DDM Original Specification (Fred Bentham)  (September 1970)
[11.3Mb PDF]
[More about this]

DDM Specification for Royal Shakespeare Theatre  (June 1971)
[12.9Mb PDF]
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Dimmer Memory Lighting Control Systems  (June 1972)
[9.5Mb PDF]
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Plotlite Brochure  (1974)
[2.48Mb PDF]
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Compact - Advance Information  (1975)
[800kb PDF]
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Compact 80/120 Brochure  (1975)
[743kb PDF]
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Lighting for Clubs and Pubs  (1975)
[3.8Mb PDF]
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MMS Modular Memory System brochure  (1975)
[998kb PDF]
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Silhouette Repertoire  (1975)
[370kb PDF]
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Discoplus Brochure  (1976)
[6.3Mb PDF]
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MMS Brochure  (1976)
[6Mb PDF]
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T Spot Brochure  (1976)
[2.4Mb PDF]
[More about this]

T Spot Introduction  (1976)
[537kb PDF]
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Eltec Drama Lighting Control Equipment  (1977)
[1.6Mb PDF]
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Micro 8 Leaflet  (1977)
[1.6Mb PDF]
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Mini 2+ Brochure  (1977)
[2.3Mb PDF]
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Parblazer Leaflet 120V  (1977)
[1.1Mb PDF]
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Patt.764 & 763 Exploded Diagram  (1977)
[1.57Mb PDF]
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Silhouette 1000 Profile Range  (1977)
[5.08Mb PDF]
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Mini-2+ Packaged Lighting Controls datasheet  (March 1977)
[ PDF]
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Patt.750 Datasheet  (March 1977)
[489kb PDF]
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Memolight Datasheet  (October 1977)
[244kb PDF]
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AMC Brochure  (September 1978)
[10.7Mb PDF]
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Parblazer 2 Datasheet  (September 1978)
[356kb PDF]
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Patt 833 1979 Price Leaflet  (1979)
[606kb PDF]
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Patt.823 Datasheet  (March 1979)
[352kb PDF]
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Micro 8 Brochure  (1980)
[5.7Mb PDF]
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Micro 8 Offer
Micro 8 Offer (1980)
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[125kb JPEG]
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Light Palette Operation Manual  (February 1980)
[18.23Mb PDF]
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Galaxy Brochure  (October 1980)
[1.14Mb PDF]
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250th Duet Special Offer  (1981)
[700kb PDF]
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Floodlights  (1981)
[2.75Mb PDF]
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Avab 201 (Prototype)
Avab 201 (Prototype) (1982)
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[583kb JPEG]
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Theatre Lighting  (1982)
[1.53Mb PDF]
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CCT Schedule of Lamps  (June 1983)
[543kb PDF]
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Schedule of Lamps  (June 1983)
[310kb PDF]
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Act 2 Dimmer Datasheet  (1984)
[1.5Mb PDF]
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Avab 201 Press Release  (1984)
[380kb PDF]
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Silhouette 1000 10 degree base-down  (1984)
[1.2Mb PDF]
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Silhouette 1000 15 degree base-down datasheet  (1984)
[1.2Mb PDF]
[More about this]

Silhouette 1000 25 degree base down data sheet  (1984)
[1.27Mb PDF]
[More about this]

Silhouette 1000 30 degree base down datasheet  (1984)
[1.2Mb PDF]
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Silhouette 1000 40 degree base down datasheet  (1984)
[1.2Mb PDF]
[More about this]

CCT Silhouette 2000 Base-Down  (February 1984)
[2.29Mb PDF]
[More about this]

Silhouette 1000 15 degree axial datasheet  (February 1984)
[1.2Mb PDF]
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Minuette Profile datasheet  (July 1984)
[1.2Mb PDF]
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Starlette 2000 PC  (September 1984)
[1.2Mb PDF]
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Avab 202  (1985)
[3.3Mb PDF]
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Launch Invitation  (1985)
[933kb PDF]
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Magic Lantern Brochure  (1985)
[1.53Mb PDF]
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Memory Lighting Control Systems 1967-1985  (June 1985)
[757kb PDF]
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Environ Programmable Lighting Control  (1986)
[2.01Mb PDF]
[More about this]

Celebrity Plus 2 Specification  (1987)
[638kb PDF]
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Impact Brochure  (1987)
[1.2Mb PDF]
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Rolacue Leaflet  (1987)
[849kb PDF]
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Avolites Price List  (June 1987)
[558kb PDF]
[More about this]

Hire Price List  (June 1987)
[743kb PDF]
[More about this]

Lightboard M Specification  (August 1987)
[831kb PDF]
[More about this]

Silhouette 2000 Base-Down range  (October 1987)
[2.2Mb PDF]
[More about this]

Action Memory Lighting Control Operator Handbook  (1988)
[14.3Mb PDF]
[More about this]

Geljet  (1988)
[447kb PDF]
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Microdimmer Brochure  (1988)
[898kb PDF]
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Silhouette Two Five flyer  (1988)
[433kb PDF]
[More about this]

Starlette Two Five flyer  (1988)
[399kb PDF]
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Price List - Precept  (January 1988)
[249kb PDF]
[More about this]

Arri Permanent Dimmer Rack datasheet  (January 1988)
[560kb PDF]
[More about this]

Lightboard M Brochure  (January 1988)
[3.2Mb PDF]
[More about this]

Avolites Price List  (March 1988)
[216kb PDF]
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Galaxy 3 Brochure  (September 1988)
[3Mb PDF]
[More about this]

Silhouette Zoom Base Down Lamp User Information  (January 1989)
[716kb PDF]
[More about this]

Multidim Plug-in Modular Dimmers datasheet  (1990)
[363kb PDF]
[More about this]

Quartet Range Instructions  (1990)
[1Mb PDF]
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Starlette Range Brochure  (1990)
[3.1Mb PDF]
[More about this]

Silhouette Zoom Profile Instructions  (January 1990)
[1.35Mb PDF]
[More about this]

24 Channel Demultiplexer manual  (October 1990)
[1.9Mb PDF]
[More about this]

Avolites Newsletter  (1994)
[1.13Mb PDF]
[More about this]

Coloursette 2 Brochure  (1995)
[2.15Mb PDF]
[More about this]

Wholehog II Brochure  (1995)
[976kb PDF]
[More about this]

Freedom Range Brochure  (August 1998)
[3.6Mb PDF]
[More about this]

Everything Electrical - A History of GEC  (1999)
[2.85Mb PDF]

Catalogues / Price Lists / Journals

Major Theatre & Cinema Lighting (UK)
[, 58 pages]

All for the Hall
[, 4 pages]

Halls Grid Rigging Catalogue
[60 pages]

Major Theatre & Cinema Lighting (UK)
[78 pages]

Modern Stage Lighting
[1923, 36 pages]

Modern Stage Lighting pamphlet
[1924, 8 pages]

Stage Floods
[1929, 4 pages]

Stage Spotlights
[1929, 8 pages]

Stage Arc Projectors
[1930, 16 pages]

Light Console Preliminary Specification
[1934, 6 pages]

Light Console Specification for Gaumont Palace Chelsea
[1936, 11 pages]

Light Console Specification for Alhambra Odeon
[1937, 10 pages]

Industrial Lighting Fittings
[1939, 84 pages]

1945 Strand Electric Brochure
[1945, 16 pages]

Furse Catalogue
[1948, 8 pages]

Arc Lighting Catalogue
[1956, 24 pages]

Mole Richardson Incandescent Catalog
[1956, 36 pages]

Amateur Theatre
[1958, 6 pages]

Assembly Halls
[1958, 4 pages]

Stage Planning
[1962, 36 pages]

CCT Hire Price List 1975
[1975, 8 pages]

MM Stage Lighting Price List
[1977, 4 pages]

Halls Suspension Gear Catalogue 1978
[1978, 32 pages]

Thorn CID
[1979, 4 pages]

Duet 2 Brochure
[1980, 6 pages]

Thorn Lighting Lamps Catalogue
[1980, 36 pages]

Mole Richardson Catalog
[1980, 326 pages]

1980 February Price List
[1980, 4 pages]

1980 October Price List
[1980, 12 pages]

Furse Price List
[1980, 8 pages]

Halls Catalogue 1982
[1982, 36 pages]

1982 Quartzcolor Price List
[1982, 13 pages]

Strand Price List 1982
[1982, 16 pages]

Furse Price List
[1982, 6 pages]

CCT Profiles
[1984, 4 pages]

CCT Profiles
[1985, 4 pages]

Halls Catalogue 3rd Edition
[1986, 40 pages]

1986 Price List
[1986, 16 pages]

Halls 1987 Price List
[1987, 16 pages]

CCT Price List
[1987, 4 pages]

AVAB Digibloc
[1989, 32 pages]

1990 The Strandbook
[1990, 100 pages]

CCT Price List (March - October)
[1990, 8 pages]

Philips Theatre Lamps
[1990, 4 pages]

Philips Studio Lamps Catalogue
[1990, 5 pages]

CCT Price List 1990
[1990, 8 pages]

GE Lighting Catalogue
[1991, 57 pages]

Strand Lighting Catalogue 1997-98
[1997, 52 pages]

1998-99 Strand Catalogue
[1998, 52 pages]

Exhibits from this Collection in the Backstage Heritage Collection

Avolites 8100 - 72 way  
At Jim Laws Collection

Avolites QM500 90 way control desk  
At Rose Bruford

Bracket Handle (Finding Neverland)  
Made up for the film production Finding Neverland, where it can be seen during the opening credits. 
At White Light

CCT Silhouette 30  
At White Light

From an Ice Rink
At White Light

Cue Lights and Control Desk  
At Jim Laws Collection

Digby Half-Watt Box  
At White Light

Electronic Control Desk  
At White Light

Footlights / Groundrow - 4 feet [reproduction]  (1910)
At White Light

Furse Frenca  
At White Light

Gas Table  (1879)
At White Light

GEC 300/500W Flood  
At White Light

Glyndebourne Control Desk  
At White Light

Light Console, Theatre Royal Drury Lane  (1950)
3 manuals, 216 ways, 6 speeds. The largest of the Light Consoles, and one of only 14 made. 
At White Light

Pattern 123 Baby Fresnel Spot  (1957)

Built 1957 to 1978.

At Jim Laws Collection

Pattern 23 Baby Mirror Spot - Cutaway  (1953)
This cutaway formed part of a memorable foyer display at Strand Electric HQ, King Street, London, circa 1965
At Jim Laws Collection

Pattern 23N Baby Mirror Spot - Cutaway  (1951)
Built 1951 to 1983.
At Jim Laws Collection

Pattern 263  
At Jim Laws Collection

Pattern 263 Profile Spot - Cutaway  (1965)
At Jim Laws Collection

Relay bank from Bristol Light Console  
At White Light

Rock Desk  (1985)
At Jim Laws Collection

Schwabe Horizon Flood  
At White Light

Silhouette Prototype  
At Jim Laws Collection

Strand Patt.264  
At White Light

Strand Patt.27 Float Spot  
At White Light

Strand Patt.43  
At White Light

Strand Patt.50A Pageant  
At White Light

Strand Patt.52  
At White Light

Strand Patt.56 Acting Area  
At White Light

Strand Patt.73  
At White Light

System CD  
At White Light

System LC  (1964)
At White Light

System PR  
72 way System PR from the Windsor Theatre Royal (1963)

System SR  
At Jim Laws Collection

T84 from RSC  
At Jim Laws Collection

Thyratron Dimmer Rack  
At Jim Laws Collection

Versa Dim Master Stage Switchboard (9 way)  (1942)
18 channels into 9 dimmers. 
At White Light

Wing Length (4 feet) [reproduction]  (1881)
At White Light