> Backstage Heritage Collection > Equipment > Patt.765

Patt.765  Strand

Related Venues:


1971 Stage Lighting (p.6) (October 1971)
From Strand Archive

Technical Handbook for CSI Starters for Patt.276 and 765 Lanterns (October 1972)
[213kb PDF]
From Strand Archive

1974 Spring Hire Price List - Page 8 (April 1974)
From Roger Fox Collection

1974 Spring Price List - Page 2 (April 1974)
From Roger Fox Collection

Lighting for Clubs and Pubs (1975)
[3.8Mb PDF]
From Jim Laws Collection

Pattern 765 Exploded Diagram (1977)
[146kb PDF]
From Strand Archive

Stage Lighting (July 1978)
From Jim Laws Collection

1980 Stage Lighting - Page 5 (February 1980)
From Roger Fox Collection

1980 Price List - page 2/3 (October 1980)
From Jim Laws Collection

Pattern 765 Datasheet (June 1981)
[460kb PDF]
From Strand Archive

1982 Quartzcolor Price List - page 3 (January 1982)
From Jim Laws Collection

Catalogue & Journal Entries for Patt.765 in the Backstage Heritage Collection

1973 Stage Lighting (1973)

Stage Lighting - Follow Spots (1975)

Lighting with Military Precision (1978)

Back to Lanterns (Patt. Numbered) (Strand)