> Backstage Heritage Collection > Equipment > Patt.23/23A Stage Arc Spot

Patt.23/23A Stage Arc Spot  (1919 - 1945)

Patt.23A (1945)

15/20A carbon arc stage spot, slide focus
1919 - 1929:
Patt.23 - 15/20A Carbon Arc movement or 500/1000W (E40) 'pip'-up lamptray, slide focus (similar to Pattern 22, but of lighter construction). Replaced c.1930 by Patt.23A and Patt.43. 
1930 - 1945:
Patt.23A - Introduced in this form c.1930, discontinued c.1945. 6 x 9 inch plano convex lens, planished steel cased version of the Patt. 23.

See also:


1945 Strand Catalogue - Arc Spotlights (August 1945)
From Strand Archive

Catalogue & Journal Entries for Patt.23/23A Stage Arc Spot in the Backstage Heritage Collection

Pattern 23A Stage Arc Spot (1936)

Back to Lanterns (Patt. Numbered) (Strand)