Patt.49  Strand

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Related Shows


1936 Theatrical Lighting Catalogue (May 1936)
From Strand Archive

1936 Theatrical Lighting Catalogue - Pattern 49 (May 1936)
From Strand Archive

1936 Theatrical Lighting Catalogue - Pattern 49A (May 1936)
From Strand Archive

1945 Strand Catalogue - Cyclorama Lighting (August 1945)
From Strand Archive

1945 Strand Catalogue - Pattern 49 (August 1945)
From Strand Archive

1945 Strand Catalogue - Pattern 49A (August 1945)
From Strand Archive

1945 Strand Catalogue - Stage Floods (August 1945)
From Strand Archive

1945 Strand Electric Brochure - Acting Area Floods & Accessories (December 1945)
From Jim Laws Collection

1945 Strand Electric Brochure - Stage Floods (December 1945)
From Jim Laws Collection

1949 Hire Price List - Page 1 (May 1949)
From Strand Archive

1949 Hire Price List - Page 2 (May 1949)
From Strand Archive

1950 Price List - Page 1 (February 1950)
From Strand Archive

1951 Price List page 1 (June 1951)
From Bob Anderson Collection

1953 Theatrical Lighting - Floods (December 1952)
From Bob Anderson Collection

1958 Price List - page 8 (October 1958)
From Strand Archive

1961 Lighting for Entertainment - page 6 (1961)
From Strand Archive

1963/64 Lighting for Entertainment page 6 (April 1963)
From Strand Archive

1969 Catalogue - Patt 49 Datasheet page 1 (August 1965)
From Strand Archive

1969 Catalogue - Patt 49 Datasheet page 2 (August 1965)
From Strand Archive

Hire Charges - Strand Electric (February 1968)
From Frederick Brown Collection

1969 Price List - Page 3 (January 1969)
From Strand Archive

1971 Stage Lighting (p.8) (October 1971)
From Strand Archive

1974 Spring Hire Price List - Page 9 (April 1974)
From Roger Fox Collection

1974 Spring Price List - Page 4 (April 1974)
From Roger Fox Collection

CCT Hire Price List 1975 p.3 (July 1975)

Patt.49 Exploded Diagram (1977)
[10.31Mb PDF]

Catalogue & Journal Entries for Patt.49 in the Backstage Heritage Collection

Weekly Hire Charges (1937)

Weekly Hire Charges (1938)

Illuminating Oliver (1960)

Stage Lighting - Floodlights (1975)

Back to Lanterns (Patt. Numbered) (Strand)