> Backstage Heritage Collection > Equipment > PR / System PR

PR / System PR  (1955)

System PR

Electro-mechanical remote control with two presets
PR stands for Polarised Relay. 

System PR/LM Variant was developed for the Civic Theatre, Coventry (now the Belgrade Theatre). PR/LM includes some features of System CD/TH (see document below). 

Related Venues:

See also:


Photo: System PR
Photo: System PR 
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[380kb  JPEG]
From Frederick Brown Collection
Photo: System PR for Weymouth
Photo: System PR for Weymouth 
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[451kb  JPEG]
From Frederick Brown Collection
Photo: System PR for Weymouth - Close-up
Photo: System PR for Weymouth - Close-up 
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[659kb  JPEG]
From Frederick Brown Collection
Photo: System PR for Weymouth - Internal Wiring
Photo: System PR for Weymouth - Internal Wiring 
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[969kb  JPEG]
From Frederick Brown Collection
Photo: System PR for Weymouth - internal wiring
Photo: System PR for Weymouth - internal wiring 
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[733kb  JPEG]
From Frederick Brown Collection

System PR Datasheet 
[150kb PDF]
From Strand Archive

System PR/LM (1950s) 
[290kb PDF]
From David Bertenshaw Collection

1961 Lighting for Entertainment - page 17 (1961)
From Strand Archive

1961 Lighting for Entertainment - page 21 (1961)
From Strand Archive

1963 Lighting for Entertainment page 23 (April 1963)
From Strand Archive

Exhibits in the Backstage Heritage Collection

System PR  
72 way System PR from the Windsor Theatre Royal (1963)
From Jim Laws Collection

System PR  

Catalogue & Journal Entries for PR / System PR in the Backstage Heritage Collection

The New Strand P.R. Control System (1955)

NEW at the ALBERY Theatre (1977)

Back to Control - Manual (Strand)