Dates: 1951 – present
Official website:
Auditorium: 2500 seats
1971 (from The Stage Guide)
Electrics: Strand Electric board in auditorium SL. Dimmers – 84 (16 x 3.3kw, 5 x 4.8kW, 38 x 1.5kW, 25 x 2.5kW); 6 presets; 6 groups. Circuits – FOH 16; Flies 28; Stage dips 12. Socket type – 15A BESA. Follow spots – 2 DC arcs and 2 AC arcs all of 3.5kW in arc slots at rear of auditorium.
Sound: Console in auditorium SR. Amplifiers -2 x 45W. 2 tape decks. 2 turntables. 10 mic sockets of Wylex PWMD 5. Loudspeakers 11 and 2 spare sockets Wylex PWMD 5.
Exhibits from this venue in the Backstage Heritage Collection
Links to information about equipment at Royal Festival Hall over the years

MMS at the Royal Festival Hall
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[843kb JPEG]
From Alan Luxford Collection