> Backstage Heritage Collection > Equipment > Betapack 3

Betapack 3  (2006)
Zero 88

Zero88 Betapack 3 Range

6 x 10A Dimmer Pack
The Betapack 3 range of 6 channel dimmer packs offers one of the most cost effective and versatile solutions to dimming currently available. Manufactured to the highest professional standards, this comprehensive range of convection cooled 6 x 10 Amp packs includes variants with sockets to match most global standards. Designed to be rack mounted, installed on a wall or carried, the Betapack 3 is suitable for a wide range of applications from amateur to professional, education to TV.

Betapack 3 was launched in 2006.


Betapack 3 Datasheet (2020)
[851kb PDF]

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