> Backstage Heritage Collection > Equipment > KTV / System KTV

KTV / System KTV  (1959 April)

Len Legget at Strand System KTV (1963)

First dimmer system with fully automatic plotting of lighting & switchboard controls.
Known colloquially as 'Klonk'


M394 Klonk Prototype 1 Gen
M394 Klonk Prototype 1 Gen 
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[1.06Mb  JPEG]
From Strand Slide Archive
M395 Klonk Prototype
M395 Klonk Prototype 
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[1.17Mb  JPEG]
From Strand Slide Archive
Photo: System KTV
Photo: System KTV (December 1959)
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[505kb  JPEG]
From Frederick Brown Collection

1961 Lighting for Entertainment - page 18 (1961)
From Strand Archive

1963 Lighting for Entertainment page 19 (April 1963)
From Strand Archive

1971 Stage Lighting (p.14) (October 1971)
From Strand Archive

Catalogue & Journal Entries for KTV / System KTV in the Backstage Heritage Collection

Automatic Plotting and Recording of Lighting Changes (1959)

The Evolving Dimmer Rack (1993)

Back to Control - Memory (Strand)