> Backstage Heritage Collection > Equipment > CRD / System CRD

CRD / System CRD  (1963)

120 channel 2 preset type CRD/120 control

All-electric preset remote control (60,90,120,180,210 or 240 dimmers)
CRD was a multi-preset control for Strand's first production Controlled Rectifier Dimmers (abbreviated to CRD, later known as Thyristor) which were first perceived as only affordable by TV studios.
A 120 channel 4 preset 3 group CRD desk was built for Glyndebourne. At least 5 System CRD were installed.

Related Venues:

See also:


Francis Reid at the controls at Glyndebourne
Francis Reid at the controls at Glyndebourne 
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[68kb  JPEG]

System CRD / C/AE Description (1963)
[6.01Mb PDF]
From David Bertenshaw Collection

1963 Lighting for Entertainment page 17 (April 1963)
From Strand Archive

1963 Lighting for Entertainment page 22 (April 1963)
From Strand Archive

Covent Garden Report by Fred Bentham (1964)
[2.22Mb PDF]
From David Bertenshaw Collection

Exhibits in the Backstage Heritage Collection

Glyndebourne Control Desk  
From Jim Laws Collection

Catalogue & Journal Entries for CRD / System CRD in the Backstage Heritage Collection

The New Lighting Installation at Glyndebourne Festival Opera (1964)

Back to Control - Manual (Strand)