> Backstage Heritage Collection > Equipment > AMC Advanced Manual Control Desk

AMC Advanced Manual Control Desk  (1977 - 1984)

AMC Control Desk

20,30,40-120 max channels 3 presets, 9 groups
First console to perform a dipless crossfade

Multi-preset, multi-group desks are based upon 10-channel 3-preset modules, a choice of Master modules both with a dipless crossfader for 9 submaster groups, and an optional Effects module. These various modules, also including selectable inhibit master/independent grouping, combine to form the most comprehensive manual control system for as few as 20 up to a maximum of 120 control channels.

AMC modules are totally self-contained and linked by a common plug-in ribbon cable. This modularity gives great variety in the layout to suit local circumstances. Free-standing desks of polished wood house 5, 7 or 9 module widths. For more than 80 channels, the desk capacity is extended by a matching double-tier wing. AMC modules can also be built into strong, but lightweight cases especially designed for the rigours of touring.

AMC desks are normally used to control permanently installed Permus dimmer racks, or existing STM or JTM racks, but can also be used with Tempus portable dimmer racks.

Colour: Deep Bronze Green (also used on Threeset and DDM)

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AMC Control Desk
AMC Control Desk (1977)
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[688kb  JPEG]
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AMC Control Desk
AMC Control Desk (1977)
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[350kb  JPEG]
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AMC Operators Handbook (1977)
[5.6Mb PDF]
From Strand Archive

Stage Lighting (July 1978)
From Jim Laws Collection

AMC Brochure (September 1978)
[10.7Mb PDF]
From Jim Laws Collection

1980 Stage Lighting - page 2 (February 1980)
From Roger Fox Collection

1980 October Price List (October 1980)
From Jim Laws Collection

Preset Lighting Controls and Dimmers brochure (1982)
[3.6Mb PDF]
From Strand Archive

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