> Backstage Heritage Collection > Equipment > Mac TW1

Mac TW1  (2005-2015)

Mac TW1

Tungsten wash light with CMY color mixing.
The MAC TW1 is a powerful, silent tungsten wash light with a clean, even, soft-edged beam, a motorized zoom, exceptional and rich CMY color mixing and can be run from the built-in dimmer or from an external dimmer.

Related Shows


LSI: Technical Focus: Martin Pro TW1 (2007)
[External Website]
From Lighting & Sound International

Mac TW1 Brochure (2008)
[1.86Mb PDF]

Mac TW1 on Billy Elliot (May 2008)
[559kb PDF]

TW1 Datasheet (2015)
[157kb PDF]

Mac TW1
[Video: Click on thumbnail]

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