Equipment Category – Date

ADB - All Dated Products on Archive

View in Alphabetical Order
Rheotor  (1925)
Variable transformers
SCR Dimmer (?name)  (1958)
Svoboda Batten  (1968)
High intensity light curtain batten
Gamma  (1979 - )
1kW / 2kW Profile
Masterlight  (1980?)
F28  (1984)
120-168 channels. Large modular board.
F20  (1986)
120 channel board with multi-use application
S28  (1986)
Lighting Control
Eurodim  (1987 onwards)
C101  (1989 - )
1kW PC
C102  (1989 - )
1kW PC
C103  (1989 - )
1kW PC
CN101  (1989 - )
1kW Long Throw Plano-Convex Spotlight
DS101  (1989 - )
1kW Zoom Profile
F101  (1989 - )
1kW Fresnel
Cantor  (1991)
48 or 96 channel manual/memory control
Bolero  (1992)
Manual Effects Lighting Desk
Data Booster  (1992)
Europe  (1992)
1kW Condenser Profile Spots
Multipro  (1992)
DMX / Analogue protocol Converter
Tango  (1992)
12/24 or 24/48 channels, 999 memories
Phoenix  (1998?)
WARP  (2004)
Fanless, Silent Zoom Profile
ALC4  (2013)
LED RBG Cyclorama & floodlight
Klemantis  (2016)
Asymmetric LED cyc light 
Orkis  (2018)
Family of luminaires (fresnel & profile) featuring 6-color HCR technology
