QT120 (1978?)
Thorn Lighting
QT120 (from 1978 Thorn catalogue)
with floppy disk
Portable / Touring version of the Q-Master / Scene Setter range.
QT120MK ll. A very compact and extremely versatile system designed for fixed or mobile applications.
Principal Features
- 120 channels and 100 electronic memories.
- Option of supplementary 'library store' with interchangeable magnetic discs.
- Single fader lever with decimally coded channel selector buttons. Channels can be selected singly or in groups
- Channel level indicator.
- Manual over-ride of memory controlled lighting.
- Memorising of actual lighting slate or 'blind' manually preset state.
- lndependent and simultaneous memory playback via three master faders.
- Memory addition and subtraction facilities.
- Simultaneous manual and automatic fades.
- Switchable solid slate mimic shows active channels in all conlrol modes.
- Memory recall to manual slate for 'blind' preview or modification.
- Direct transfer of manual state to playback masters without using memories.
- lndependent standby conlrol syslem.
- May be used wilh any dimmers in the D or LAO serìes.
Exhibits in the Backstage Heritage Collection
Catalogue & Journal Entries for QT120 in the Backstage Heritage Collection
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