> Backstage Heritage Collection > Equipment > QLab

QLab  (2005)
Figure 53

QLab 0.9 Interface (Feb 2006)

Media Playback and Show Control for Mac
Official website:
With QLab 4, the ability to control lighting using the ArtNet protocol was added.

Original Development Team (From the 2006 website)

Chris Ashworth - Apologue Podcast (Episode 153 October 2017)

Software Versions (from

QLab 1.3.5 (May 2008)

QLab 1.1 (February 2007)

Enhance the free version of QLab wth these new upgrades:

QLab 1.0 (?)

Qlab Pro (Pre-Release Demo, August 13 2006) - Paid

QLab Pro includes MIDI Voice Message Cues, MIDI Show Control Cues, and access to sixteen output channels. It is under active development, just like QLab, but you can give it a shot to get a sense of where it's going:

Version 0.9 February 2006 - Free

"The fundamental building block of a QLab workspace is the cue. What is a cue? Well, a cue might play a sound, or start another cue. A cue might adjust the volume of a sound, or do nothing but wait for a particular length of time. In fact, a cue is just about anything that can be started and stopped. 
In QLab, every cue is a plugin. Adding new types of cues is as simple as dropping them in your QLab plugins folder. 
Our first release of QLab focuses on sound design. But we're not stopping there. In time, we plan to provide cues for everything from video playback to shell scripts."

 Group Cue

 Sound Cue

 Fade Cue

 Start Cue

 Stop Cue

 Goto Cue

 Wait Cue

Coming Soon

Future Cues
What can you expect from QLab in the future? Among our top priorities is adding a variety of MIDI Cues. Other cue types we have in mind include:
 Video Cue
 OSC Cue
 Shell Cue
 Quartz Composition Cue
...just to name a few. Stay tuned.

QLab 0.1 (December 2004)
The first ever show to run on a 6-week old version of QLab was at Theatre of a Thousand Juliets in January 2005. (from the QLab WIKI)


Qlab 0.9 Fade Inspector
Qlab 0.9 Fade Inspector (February 2006)
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[50kb  JPEG]
Qlab 0.9 Sound Mixer
Qlab 0.9 Sound Mixer (February 2006)
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[104kb  JPEG]
Qlab 0.9 Sound Patcher
Qlab 0.9 Sound Patcher (February 2006)
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[29kb  JPEG]
Qlab 0.9 Workspace
Qlab 0.9 Workspace (February 2006)
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[163kb  JPEG]

LSI - Classic Gear - Qlab (February 2015)
[778kb PDF]
From Lighting & Sound International

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