> Backstage Heritage Collection > Equipment > X-Series

X-Series  (1999)
Crest Audio

Crest Audio X Series X-Four

X-series consoles offer application-tailored solutions for fixed installations, churches, stadiums, auditoriums, regional tour sound, broadcasting, and corporate A/V applications.

Each model incorporates the features, flexibility, audio quality, and rugged build required for its intended purpose, which makes consoles powerful professional tools and exceptional values.

X-series consoles share the research and design insights which inspired Crest Audio´s V12 flagship console. This engineering pedigree ensures their exceptional sonic performance, superior build quality, and intuitive control surfaces.

The X-series purpose-driven designs provide feature-sets optimized for the chosen application while keeping console cost and complexity manageable.


If your application requires all the features and performance of a thoroughly professional mixing console but presents severe space restrictions, then the Crest Audio X-Four console is the ideal solution. The compact X-Four is a dual-function console, equipped for front-of-house or stage-monitor duties. It is intended for live-performance, professional sound contracting, industrial, rental, and installation sound applications. Despite its small footprint, X-Four is equipped with those features most-needed by front-of-house and monitor engineers.


The X-Eight RT and HS consoles are designed specifically for sound contracting, industrial, rental, and installation applications.  These live performance, front-of-house consoles are suitable for veterans and beginners alike.


Designed for today´s monitor-mixing techniques, X-Monitor is capable of generating both mono and stereo mixes, via the use of global mode-switches. X-Monitor may also be used in front-of-house applications where multiple mixed-outputs are required--as in special AV applications.  Monitor consoles are available with 24, 32, 40, and 48 mono input channels.


Simplicity of operation may be desirable in a generic console designed for users of all levels, but for the experienced professional, such products often fail to provide necessary professional features.  Rather than employing a least-common-denominator approach, X-VCA includes those features most-desired by veteran front-of-house engineers.


X-Matrix is a 12 X 12 matrix mixer.  Its primary application is to add additional matrix mixers to the X-VCA console.  It can also be used as a stand-alone matrix mixer.  As a companion piece to the X-VCA console, it provides the facilities to create additional mixes from the eight Sub groups and the Left, Right and Mono mix buses.  In both applications, multiple units can be daisy-chained, offering almost unlimited expansion capabilities.


X-Eight User Manual (December 1999)
[15.87Mb PDF]

X-Eight HS Console Spec Sheet (January 2000)
[4.35Mb PDF]

X-Eight RT Spec Sheet (January 2000)
[6.64Mb PDF]

X-Four Spec Sheet (January 2000)
[4.18Mb PDF]

X-Monitor Spec Sheet (January 2000)
[6.92Mb PDF]

X-VCA Spec Sheet (April 2000)
[8.43Mb PDF]

X-Matrix Spec Sheet (January 2001)
[328kb PDF]

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