> Backstage Heritage Collection > Equipment > Animator

Animator  (1990)

Animator, 1992

Available in four formats, all above to control up to 240 conventional dimmers and 96 colour scrollers.
Animator Compact (up to 24 moving lights. One monitor, trackball to control movement, wheel for dimmer and additional wheel to toggle between other parameters).
Animator 24 - made to special order (up to 24 moving lights, but with a greater number of playbacks & increased functions)
Animator 48 (two monitors, up to 48 moving lights, wtih greater selection of playbacks & functions)
Animator 72 (as the 48, but up to 72 moving lights).

See also:


Automated Lighting (March 1994)
[10.85Mb PDF]
From Lighting & Sound International

Catalogue & Journal Entries for Animator in the Backstage Heritage Collection

On the Boards (1995)

Advert: Compulite Animator (1995)

On The Boards (1995)

Back to Control - Memory (Compulite)