> Backstage Heritage Collection > Equipment > Celco Baby

Celco Baby  (1989?)

Celco Baby

30 channels, full level memory, live modification, 40 memory cues, sound activated sequence.
The innovative Celco Baby, a versatile effects console designed primarily for Television, Rock and Discotheque applications, includes many customary Celco features such as two presets, live modification and programmable sequences with the addition of a powerful audio driven Effects Generator offering the designer many creative possibilities.
Based around the proven central processor unit, common to all Celco control consoles, the Celco Baby has much to offer the creative lighting designer.
The powerful CPU allows up to forty memories to be programmed by the lighting designer, utilising Celco's unique and easy to use programming facility. These can be quickly recalled and outputted using any of the ten Cue Faders or Cue Buttons. Should it be required, alterations to the programmed memories can be quickly executed using the advanced on-board Modify routine, thereby eliminating the need to re-plot the entire scene. The sophisticated effects bay offers four Sequence Patterns of forty steps and a three channel audio driven Effects Generator. Sequence Patterns can be programmed to contain any of the lighting channels, either individually or in multiples, and structured to run in any direction.
The audio driven Effects Generator operates over Cue Fader's one, two and three, allowing sound generated control of the memories programmed onto any one of the Cue Fader's four memory Pages. The combination of three Cue Faders and four Pages allows routing of the sound generated signal to any group of the console's thirty channels to be performed with simplicity. Further creative possibilities are provided by running a sound activated Sequence that will step to the bass line or change speed in relation to the volume.


Celco Hire Price List (1989)
[1.4Mb PDF]
From Bob Anderson Collection

Celco Retail Price List (April 1989)
[1.9Mb PDF]
From Bob Anderson Collection

Celco Spares Price List (April 1989)
[2.4Mb PDF]
From Bob Anderson Collection

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