> Backstage Heritage Collection > Equipment > Roto Gobo Holder

Roto Gobo Holder  (1986)
CCT Lighting

CCT Roto Gobo Holder

Rotatable Gobo Holder
Designed by John Schwiller at CCT. 
"In [approximately] 1985 I got asked to light a Tom Robinson tour which went out with 2 trusses. One of his hits was 2-4-6-8 Motorway, and I decided it needed the digits as gobos which we could flash on the cyc.
We hired in four 1kW Silhouettes and I got the 4 gobos, probably from DHA. This was my first encounter with rock ‘n’ roll lighting design and to ‘pointing’ which I was told was 30 secs per par can as the rigger crawled along the truss (not me I hasten to add). When it came to ‘pointing’ the Sils I foolishly (?) insisted that the gobos be aligned horizontally. Asking the rigger to pull out the red hot gobo and tweak its angle didn’t go down at all well. I should add that I was sacked after the first date, possibly because of this? Thankfully I was on an Equity lighting contract that had just been drafted but that’s another story. I did still get my money. Anyway, when I got back to the office I thought there must be an easier way to quickly adjust gobos without burning your fingers. Thankfully our wonderful CNC turret press and CADCAM system made it quite easy to come up with a solution. And we were able to get a patent for it. It allowed about 60° of movement without getting anywhere near the red hot gobo."

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UK Patent - Roto Gobo Holder (August 1986)
[476kb PDF]

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