> Backstage Heritage Collection > Equipment > Ultrachase

Ultrachase  (1982)


Ultrachase II
Ultrachase III 

Information on Ultrachase, from Lighting & Sound International, 1986:
The Ultra-Chase offers an efficient and compact method of controlling complex, multi-channel special effects. This desks' central processor unit provides multi-functional facilities and is programmed in a "user-friendly" method with prompting instructions through each stage from the Alpha-Numeric display. There are 20 patterns, each of 100 steps, with step cross-fade time being programmable. Step cross-fade may be adjusted whilst unit is running by means of a manual over-ride control. 
Incorporated in the unit are full editing facilities, pattern linking, direction reversing and "bounce" keys and L.E.D. output mimic. The desk panels are standard 19" rack mounted and the unit is finished in an oak cabinet. 


LSI: Guide to Memory Desks (May 1986)
[1.91Mb PDF]
From Lighting & Sound International

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