> Backstage Heritage Collection > Equipment > Rolacue Pearl / Rolacue Sapphire

Rolacue Pearl / Rolacue Sapphire  (1992)

Avolites Rolacue Sapphire

1992: Rolacue Sapphire: Twice the size of the Pearl. 120 channel faders, 20 cue masters, thus able to control up to 60 moving lights. 
From the Avolites History website:
The Rolacue Sapphire was the first console designed to control moving and generic fixtures in the style with which touring designers were familiar from the QM days. Modelled on the previous Rolacue range of consoles but with a totally new set of electronics and software. The console quickly became a touring standard.
1995: Rolacue Pearl: 512 channels, 450 memories (30 pages of 15 cues)
Floppy disk storage. Launched at PLASA 1995. 


Avolites Newsletter (1994)
[1.13Mb PDF]
From Jim Laws Collection

Exhibits in the Backstage Heritage Collection

Avolites Rolacue Sapphire  
From AED Collection

Foyer - Avolites Rolacue Pearl  
From AED Collection

Foyer - Avolites Rolacue Sapphire  
From AED Collection

Catalogue & Journal Entries for Rolacue Pearl / Rolacue Sapphire in the Backstage Heritage Collection

On the Boards (1995)

On The Boards (1995)

Back to Control - Memory (Avolites)