Show Wizard System (2003)
Arion Corporation

Show Wizard interface
From website, 2003:
Arion Corporation, a name synonymous with world-class presentation products has introduced the new Show Wizard System that combines hi-tech digital audio with classic 35mm slide projection. The Show Wizard System is comprised of an easy to use Windows software program and an external box call the Digital Audio Player.
The Show Wizard software is an extremely simple and fast way to organize slides along with music and/or narration. The Show Wizard screen displays the music allowing precise placement of dissolves - all with a simple cick of the mouse.
The second part of the Show Wizard System is the Digital Audio Player. The player communicates with your computer by a USB port. When the show is complete, both the audio and dissolve commands are downloaded to a compact flash card.
Once the show is downloaded to the Digital Audio Player, you can leave your computer at home! That's right, this one tiny box replaces your bulky cassette system. There is even a model with a 2-Projector Dissolve built right in!
The Digital Audio Player takes the place of your cassette deck. It can be connected to a pair of powered speakers or amplifier. It can't get any easier than this!
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