> Backstage Heritage Collection > Equipment > Cantor

Cantor  (1991)

ADB Cantor 48

48 or 96 channel manual/memory control
First shown at the Siel 91 Show, 1991

From Richard Pilbrow: Stage Lighting Design: The Art, The Craft, The Life
"Cantor has 24-way two-scene preset or 48-way single with soft patch to 512 dimmers and 12 submasters; operable in manual or memory mode. Green and red LEDs give indication of channels active in submaster, memories or effects and channels live onstage"


Cantor 48 Datasheet 
[1.03Mb PDF]
From Bob Anderson Collection

Cantor 96 Datasheet 
[900kb PDF]
From Bob Anderson Collection

Cantor 96 Datasheet 
[900kb PDF]
From Bob Anderson Collection

Cantor brochure 
[2.26Mb PDF]
From Bob Anderson Collection

Exhibits in the Backstage Heritage Collection

Foyer - Cantor 48  
From AED Collection

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