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TABS: April 1947 [Vol.5 / Issue 1]
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Theatre Glossary [page 5]
We have been asked to continue publication of a glossary of stage and theatre terms of which two instalments were issued in 1939.
Penny Plain, Twopence Coloured (Daan can Steldt-) [page 10]
Letter to the Editor.
Colour Media [page 11]
Reduced Range. In view of the present manufacturing difficulties only the following colours of Cinemoid will be available until further notice.
The Music Goes Round & Around And It Comes Out... Where? [page 12]
In spite of the heading of this article and the illustration alongside, this little piece is not intended to be a piece of trumpet blowing on our part. On the other hand, we want to try to explain to you why some of the notes you blow our way go round and around before they can eventually reach the right place.
Passed to you for Action, Please! [page 19]
It is desired to draw attention to the fact that the following goods can neither be despatched per post or per passenger train, owing to the inflammable or explosive nature of same.
Must We Pay The Author? (Legalite) [page 20]
Protection against unlawful performances of plays is afforded to dramatic authors by means of copyright. Under the copyright law, an author, in exchange for his or her licence, is entitled to collect a fee for every public performance of a play, whether in its entirety or in the form of excerpts.

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