> Backstage Heritage Collection > Equipment > MiniPalette

MiniPalette  (1980)

MiniPalette (1980)

From Theatre Design & Technology, Fall 1980
MiniPalette is Strand Century's smaller, low-cost version of its Light Palette, and is recommended for small theatres and television studios. Compact and self contained, miniPalette will interface with existing dimmers, and features multiplexed control output. MiniPalette is designed to provide maximum creative freedom for the lighting designer. It records not only individual stage pictures, but also the designed transitions between them with assured repeatability, and can execute complex timed or manual multi-part cues precisely as designed. Mini-Palette has a 12 inch display screen, 10 playback submasters, 3 faders (one split), Go/Stop button, light level wheel, display and command keyboards, and floppy disc for library storage. Options in the system include: designer's remote control, remote control module (hand held), manual console, printout, and special effects software. 

See also:


MiniPalette (1980)
[1.67Mb PDF]
From David Cunningham Collection

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