> Backstage Heritage Collection > Equipment > EC90

EC90  (1990 - ?)

Modular digital dimmer with reporter
EC90 Supervisor introduced in 1996.

Related Venues:

See also:


The Strandbook - page 12 (1990)
From Jim Laws Collection

The Strandbook - page 13 (1990)
From Jim Laws Collection

1992 Insight Brochure - Page 2 (May 1992)
From Strand Archive

EC90 Supervisor Datasheet (June 1993)
[118kb PDF]
From Strand Archive

7.4.3 EC90 Supervisor Datasheet (October 1995)
Modular Digital Dimming with Reporter Option
[332kb PDF]
From Strand Archive

1996 Strand Catalogue - New Products (1996)
From Strand Archive

1996 Strand Catalogue - Theatre & Studio Dimming (1996)
From Strand Archive

Software: Reporter PC user manual (October 1996)
[377kb PDF]

EC90 Product Specification (April 1997)
[4.07Mb PDF]
From Bob Anderson Collection

1998-99 Strand Catalogue - Dimmers (1998)
From Jim Laws Collection

2000 Product Guide - page 13 (2000)
From Strand Archive

EC90 Supervisor User Manual (August 2000)
[4.2Mb PDF]
From Strand Archive

Catalogue & Journal Entries for EC90 in the Backstage Heritage Collection

Here Is The News... ITN has installed an EC90 (1990)

Advert: Why Strand's new EC90 is making the news... (1990)

EC90 The first major advance in dimming technology since the thyristor (1990)

Advert: EC90 (1991)

New Products for 92 (1991)

Heading Dreamward (1993)

Back to Dimming and Multiplex (Strand)