> Backstage Heritage Collection > Equipment > Blitzgerat

Blitzgerat  Reiche & Vogel

R&V Blitzgerat

Lightning Flash effect
Description by Hugh Chinnick:
The Blitzgerat contains a light source similar to an electronic flash gun, but is focussable. There is a small neon on the back which indicates when it is charged, and a black button to fire. It can take three slides, inserted in the top, that sit one on top of each other. The middle slide is the one that will be projected. Pull out the bottom slide (there is a notch on the side to remove it sideways) and the other two drop down so what was the top slide is now in the middle position. Place the slide that was removed back into the top and continue the sequence after each flash. By rotating or reversing the slide the lighting image would be different each time. The small white socket is for a 'remote'. There's a wooden handle on each side.

Richard Pilbrow, lighting designer on Blitz! (1963):
It was a flash projector for lightning projection or explosions. I imported several for the production of Lionel Bart’s Blitz! At the Adelphi Theatre. We used them handheld. There were stage electrics crew roving onstage through Sean Kenny’s moving sets (there was no masking) with smoke guns and blitzgerats during the bombing of London sequences.

From the catalogue below:
"Designed to be operated from mains 220v alternating current, this device can project lightning bolts with selectable cloud characteristics, every 2-3 seconds. Three changable masks are provided which are stored in a chute. 
The device is maintenance-free, and needs to be connected to the mains for approx. 10-15 seconds shortly before it is to be used, until the capacitor has charged. A red glow lamp indicates that the device is ready for use. Then you can trigger the flash by pressing the button. The slide can then be changed, and after 2-3 seconds the glow lamp indicates that the next flash can be projected.
The plug can stay connected to the mains the whole time, even if the lightning bolts come at different intervals.
After use, we ask you to always discharge the device by pressing the button."

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Exhibits in the Backstage Heritage Collection

From Hugh Chinnick Collection

Catalogue & Journal Entries for Blitzgerat in the Backstage Heritage Collection

Blitzgerat (1960)

Back to Effects (Reiche & Vogel)