> Backstage Heritage Collection > Equipment > Datapak

Datapak  Pulsar

Dimming / Switching

The Dimming / Switching Datapaks are capable of dimming or switching resistive and inductive loads, and switching capacitive loads. To dim capacitive loads, e.g. projectors with power factor correction (PFC) capacitors, remove their PFC capacitors.
The Switching Datapaks are capable of switching resistive and inductive loads, but they are not suitable for capacitive loads.
This makes the Datapak range suitable for running all types of low voltage lamps, electric motors, neon lights, properly ballasted fluorescent lamps etc. besides ordinary resistive tungsten lamps.

Datapak III: 18 channels dimming / switching

More info coming


Datapak III (January 2011)
[145kb PDF]

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